You have hooked already?
Now you cannot give up that
Smoking is in your body.
You consider yourself easy
“I am clever at my age”
I don’t think that you are crazy
But pay attention to this page.
You begin smoking anywhere
When desire comes to sudden
You are standing special somewhere
remember that you are not hidden.
Around you a lot of people
Somebodies like whereas some don’t
You know clearly its peril,
But your reply is “No I won’t”
You can see with your big eyes,
There is written “Не курить!”
Words are given also in English,
“No smoking!” Do you read?
You understand it. Am I right?
If not, I translate it for you,
What is going on you mind?
Think of running time of you.
As usual you have a smoke again,
Your health is falling day-by-day,
My advice is give up smoking,
I hope there will be chances to ray.
by Aygumis Esnazarova
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